Born and raised in Livorno (16-05-1984), I started studying business at the Pisa University.
From my teenage I'm used to be focused on details and photography is the vehicle.
Altough in my first job I was an international shipping agent, during the free time I was taking stage photography during live pub performences. In 2014 I quit my position and started to switch my passion into a real job, improving my skills attending a basic course and then enrolling at the APAB International School of Photography in Florence. Here I refined my technique and I made my first professional experiences as an assistant at Estate Fiesolana, in Bargello festival and Musica dei Popoli. Later on I received a call from Lucca Film Festival that gave me a chance to keep in touch with prominent people in the cinema's world such as David Lynch, Willem Defoe and Oliver Stone.
From October 2017 I moved to London where I started working for SnappySnaps as retoucher, photographer and customer care. As well in my free time I'm making some personal projects and build networking with talented photograpers to improve skills and knowledge.
I'm a sociable person that love to speak with interesting people who loves as me this amazing passion, so feel free to get in touch :)